Prevent Duty

Prevent Duty Statement

Mill Water School is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all pupils and staff. We recognise that safeguarding against radicalisation and extremism is no different from safeguarding against any other form of harm. 

We expect all of our staff, and pupils where they are able, to uphold and promote the fundamental principles of human rights and British values and exemplify these in their practice, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. 

This statement reinforces our expectation that all staff will be vigilant about safeguarding, radicalisation and extremism. We will ensure that Mill Water School works in partnership with professional bodies, external agencies and partners in our local community to ensure that all pupils are safe from harm.

What is Prevent?

Prevent is part of the UK’s counter terrorism strategy, aimed at preventing people from becoming involved in terrorism or supporting terrorism. From 1 July 2015 all schools, registered early years childcare providers and registered later years childcare providers are subject to a duty to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. Protecting children from the risk of radicalisation should be seen as part of schools’ and childcare providers’ wider safeguarding duties.

Schools and childcare providers should also build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values enabling them to challenge extremist views. It is important to emphasise that the Prevent duty is not intended to stop pupils debating controversial issues. On the contrary, schools should provide a safe space in which children, young people and staff can understand the risks associated with terrorism and develop the knowledge and skills to be able to challenge extremist arguments.


    • Radicalisation: ‘the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and forms of extremism leading to terrorism.’
    • Extremism: ‘Vocal or active opposition to fundamental British Values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.’
    • Terrorism: Violence, property damage, endanger life and disrupt electronic systems. Designed to influence governments or intimidate the public often for the purpose to advance a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.

What are British Values and why are they part of Prevent?

Schools are already expected to promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils and, within this, fundamental British values. Aspects such as democracy, rule of law, tolerance and freedom of speech should be taught and explored with all ages of pupils. Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) can be an effective way of providing pupils with time to explore sensitive or controversial issues, and equipping them with the knowledge and skills to understand and manage difficult situations.

What should school staff be trained to do?

As with all aspects of safeguarding, those working with children of all ages should receive regular (at least annually) training which enables all adults (including volunteers) to know the possible signs when a child or member of their family might be being drawn into terrorism. They should also be made aware how some groups of children such as those on the Autistic spectrum are more vulnerable to radicalisation or grooming.

Examples of these signs and symptoms might be:

    • Changes in friendship groups, often older persons or groups of adults
    • A lack of empathy for the views or beliefs of others
    • A level of understanding or expressed views that are beyond the norm for their age.
    • Changes in clothing or other physical changes suggesting a concern such as symbols or badges
    • Secretive and extensive use of the internet, often seen through tiredness at school
    • Viewing of material linked to extreme groups and organisations
    • A willingness to share extreme views with peers or staff
    • Irregular attendance at school or known to go missing from home
    • Wider school work expresses views such as in written work or art
    • Gifts (including mobile devices) or unexplained sums of money
    • Withdrawn from longstanding friendships or groups such as sports teams

Concerns should be shared with the schools DSL as per the school’s safeguarding concerns systems.

The new national Prevent referral form

A new national referral form has been introduced to ensure more comprehensive and consistent information is captured from those making referrals. A copy of the form is available on the Devon and Cornwall Police internet site

It can then be emailed to the new email address created especially for referrals:

It is important that the information provided in the referral form contains as much detail as possible. Please ensure that basic information such as the name, age and date of birth of the person being referred is correct. Please try to include as many details as possible, the concerns, how long you have had them, any planned travel etc. If the referral is about a child or young person, please include on the form whether you have discussed your concerns with their parents/carers and what their views are.