EfL Family App Letter

29th March 2022

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Dear Parents/Carers, 

Evidence for Learning (EfL) have released a Family App for parents and carers. This should hopefully make it more straightforward for families to be able to access their child’s/children’s accounts and engage in the learning journey. For those families with more than one pupil at Mill Water, it will mean that you can access both of your children’s evidence through one account and login. 

All Evidence for Learning users who have registered with their email address will be given permission to access the new app by Friday 1st April. Due to the changeover process, it will take a few days to move all of the accounts across to the app. Login details will come to you via an email to the account you registered with, from Evidence for Learning. 

There is a ‘How to Guide' here on how to get started and take you through some of the basics but please feel free to explore and have a go at using it. It can all be edited or deleted if necessary, so you don’t need to worry about getting it wrong!

If you do not receive an email by the end of the week, or have any questions about accessing the app or Evidence for Learning in general, please send me an email (efl@millwater.devon.sch.uk) and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Similarly, I would be interested to hear any thoughts and opinions on the new app, which I will be able to feedback to the developers.

Kind Regards, 

Kayleigh Price
Assistant Headteacher